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Garden of life Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox 1 kit - 1 kit

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SKU: 102053

UPC : 658010116671

Wild Rose Herbal D-tox Kit | Garden of Life | 12-Day Whole Body Herbal Cleanse  Garden of Life provides Wild Rose Herbal D-tox... Read more Read more
Category : Detoxification, Garden of life
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Wild Rose Herbal D-tox Kit | Garden of Life | 12-Day Whole Body Herbal Cleanse 

Garden of Life provides Wild Rose Herbal D-tox Kit, a 12-day whole-body herbal cleanse formulation. Using this herbal formula by following the recommendations of your physician, this detox program can help you get a healthy balance between assimilation and elimination. For many people, a detoxification program means a start of a new fresh life and personal maintenance of overall health. 

For 25 years, this herbal d-tox kit has been providing cleansing formulations for the people of Canada and helps in the detoxification of the liver, colon, lymphatic system, and kidneys. 

The Wild Rose Herbal Detox is a 12-day cleansing program by the expert master herbalist dr. Terry Willard. This detox program is popular in Canada and has been used for the past 35 years and still counting. The 4 part detoxification is designed to clean the colon, liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system with the recommended diet. 

The 4 part Detoxification System Of Wild Rose Herbal Detox Program 

1. Biliherb 

The first part vitalizes bile production by the liver and supports its release from the gallbladder (where it is stored) to the small intestine. Bile is important for the easy digestion of substances as it helps break down complex components like dietary fats and enhances easy absorption. Further, bile makes metabolic wastes and toxin water soluble and easy to eliminate from the body. Besides this, bile also helps reduce cholesterol formation in the gallbladder, which further helps dissolve gallstones. It is the most effective formula for strengthening the function of the liver. This effective herbal combination also supports the spleen, which facilitates the cleansing of the blood and the smooth functioning of the liver. 

Highlights of Biliherb 

  • The master herb is Radish which, along with Dandelions, helps produce bile for eliminating toxins. 
  • The capsule helps detoxify and strengthen the function of the liver. 

2. Cleansaherb 

The vital action of the herbal formula is to clean the main bloodstream, riddle the muscle and lymphatic system tissue of toxic waste material and release them out of the body through the urinary system. Many practitioners state it as a companion to other cleaning programs. Red Clover is one of the strongest herbal alternatives to this herbal formula. It has been known for successfully treating cancer cases, heavy metal toxicity, and mucus congestion. Uva Ursi and parsley are diuretics that facilitate the collection and elimination of excessive body fluids through the urinary tract. Burdock is another effective alternative, tonic and hepatic. Echinacea is also a tonic, diaphoretic, and an alternative. 

Highlights of cleansaherb 

  • Companion herbs are there for soothing properties and diuretics. 
  • It helps to clean the main bloodstream, riddle the muscle and lymphatic system tissue of toxic waste material and excrete it through the urinary tract. 

3. CL. Herbal Extract 

This herbal tincture is specifically designed to clean the main bloodstream with special attention to the urinary tract. The Chinese consider Licorice roots as a great detoxifier. Uva Ursi and juniper berries are great treatments for toning and cleansing the urinary tract. Corn silk is known for soothing the urinary tract and is a mild diuretic. Burdock is another cleaner that has a positive impact on the liver. Yarrow works on cleaning the entire system, including the urinary tract and diaphoretic system, which can make you sweat more. 

Highlights of CL. Herbal Extract 

  • The master herb is Licorice roots which are an excellent detoxifier and diuretic. 
  • The main purpose is to eliminate toxins through the urinary system. 

4. Laxaherb 

This herbal formula is very similar to the LBT-3 formula, which has a practical and natural effect on the intestinal tract. It is specially curated to be non-addictive. It can be used only as a short-term laxative. You can expect relief from constipation between one to thirty days. On the contrary, LBT-3 is designed for long-term therapeutic use, three to nine months for more completion of the toning process. 

Highlights of Laxaherb 

  • The master herb here is the yellow dock and Rhubarb and Buckthorn for laxative functioning. 
  • It helps in the natural cleaning of the intestinal tract. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

great results...

Jihane El Atifi

I never received it


3rd time using and will do this again and again...


I used this detox system to help me transition to a gluten-free diet. The supplement schedule is very easy to follow and the herbs definitely supported my system. The dietary guide included in the kit was helpful and informative. The herbs did not have a harsh effect on my digestion. I would buy this kit again. I had a very positive experience with it.


Love this Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox by Garden of Life, been using for 5 years when I'm feeling sluggish ~ my whole body feels great after usage.

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