Matt Kilts founded Trace Minerals with Scott Perkes (board member) to provide mineral supplements that help “remineralize” and provide your body with the minerals it needs to maintain good health. The Brand is continuously involved in developing an advanced delivery system, discovering new mineral-rich ingredients, etc to provide the best minerals in the best possible ways. Every formulation is based on research and opinion from experts.
Today crops are grown using aggressive farming techniques in mineral-depleted soil. As a result, the food we eat is also deficient in minerals. Water filtration systems remove essential minerals along with impurities. Mineral deficiency causes tiredness, muscle cramps, weakness, impaired cognition, etc. These supplements create a positive impact on health.
ConcenTrace, one of the popular supplements, by this brand provides foundational minerals for good health. It provides the trace minerals that our bodies need to absorb all the other nutrients and vitamins. There are other Trace Minerals supplements available that provide a huge range of ionic minerals like magnesium, silicon, copper, chromium, zinc, iodine, iron, calcium, boron, potassium, etc.
Want to know about these mineral supplements? Read more on our website. Drop us a comment if you want more information.