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Thorne Vet ModucareVET (pets) - 90 Chews

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Regular price $56.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $56.00 USD
Availability : In Stock


UPC : 639749011482

  By Thorne Vet Pet Supplement ModucareVET helps maintain a healthy balance of T-helper 1 and -2 white blood cells and m... Read more Read more
Category : Thorne Vet
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ByThorne Vet

Pet Supplement

ModucareVET helps maintain a healthy balance of T-helper 1 and -2 white blood cells and modulates a stress response by balancing cortisol and DHEA levels. It can be used for dogs, cats, and horses. Plant sterols are naturally occurring fats that are present in fruits, vegetables, and other plants. Two of these plant sterols – beta-sitosterol (BSS) and its glycoside (BSSG) – have been shown, even at very low levels, to enhance the activity of cells that are well known to have positive immune system activity. In particular, these two plant sterols enhance the activity of the T-helper cells. 

The T-helper cells are arguably the most important cells in adaptive immunity, because they are required for almost all adaptive immune responses. The T-helper cells not only help activate B cells to secrete antibodies and macrophages, they also help activate cytotoxic T cells. ModucareVET improves the ratio of T-helper 1 to T-helper 2 cells, and, as a result, the companion animal's cellular immunity is enhanced and overactive immune responses are down-regulated.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Darryl Pohl

My dog lost her hearing. After a few months of Moducare her hearing returned to normal. Must of been a viral infection in her ears much cheaper than a veterinarian bill plus all the other benefits Moducare provides not only for my dog but also for myself
Thanks dr bouic