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I-health Azo Bladder Control - 54 caps

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Regular price $28.18 USD
Regular price Sale price $28.18 USD
Availability : In Stock
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SKU: 70521176002-24

UPC : 301153868128

By i-health Are you frustrated when occasional bladder control issues disrupt your life? These issues can come in many forms:... Read more Read more
Category : i-health
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Are you frustrated when occasional bladder control issues disrupt your life? These issues can come in many forms: that sudden urge to go to the bathroom that interrupts your day or even your sleep…or that unexpected leakage when you sneeze, laugh or exercise. You are not alone in your struggle.

AZO Bladder Control® with Go-Less®: a naturally sourced blend that helps you maintain safe and effective bladder control.

In studies, a blend of pumpkin seed and soy germ extracts are shown to help maintain healthy bladder function. That means help to reduce occasional issues like that urgent need to go or that occasional leakage when you laugh.*1 Stop the worry, and start getting peace of mind with this drug-free, daily blend.

AZO Bladder Control with Go-Less, works during the day and when you sleep at night to help you find around-the-clock bladder support.Take a step towards getting a better night’s sleep, more control over occasional leakage or urgency, and the confidence to own your day.

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