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Suan Zao Ren Tang

Shop for Treasure of the East

Regular price $47.70 USD
Regular price Sale price $47.70 USD
Availability : In Stock

SKU: S190-C

UPC : 712321026675

By Treasure of the East Suan Zao Ren Tang - Zizyphus CombinationNourishes blood and calms the mind, also clears heat and reli... Read more Read more
Category : Treasure of the East
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ByTreasure of the East

Suan Zao Ren Tang - Zizyphus Combination
Nourishes blood and calms the mind, also clears heat and relieves vexation.*

Essentials from the Golden Cabinet (金匱要略, Jin Gui Yao Lue).

Quality Assurance
Treasure of the East® herbal formulas are full-spectrum, pharmaceutical-grade, and extracted only with purified water to replicate a traditional decoction. They are produced by Tianjiang Pharmaceutical, the world's largest producer of herbal granules, in a facility that is fully automated and computer-controlled to ensure quality and reliability. Products are tested extensively in Tianjiang's CNAS National Laboratory, yielding high-precision data regarding each herb's identity, origin, concentration of effective components, heavy metal and pesticide residues, and proper dosage in concentrated form. Tianjiang's production protocols for concentrated herbal extracts have been internationally recognized and adopted into the pharmaceutical and food standards of the China Food and Drug Administration.